Friday, August 21, 2009

Has it really been almost 8 weeks?

We are continuing to feel so very blessed for each moment we are given with Abby. Even when she is screaming, I keep telling her how much we love her. Now I understand how parents say they didn't know they could love someone so much, but still love their other children equally but in a different way. Hmm that's sounds a little confuesing, but mom's know what I mean.

So we have been busy the last few weeks. We are continuing to go to the breast feeding support group each Monday. We love hanging out with the other mommies and their babies. A group of us are going to start hanging out monthly with gatherings. Abby was 11 lbs even at the last meeting. She is growing so much and is getting those cute baby rolls.

She has started smiling and cooing at us. She is a pretty funny lady. I try to video tape her every few days. Mostly while getting her diaper changed because she is so happy at that time! We have been going on daily walks and are settling into a routine. Preparing ourselves each day for when Steve goes back to work full time! Abby and I will be learning the ropes together at home as she grows. For many different reasons I am going to be a stay at home mom. I never thought I would be one, but I am really excited about it. We are working on a budget so that we can survive! :)

Steve started coaching soccer and they have a small team of 12 this year. They have a pretty short season, possibly because of budget cuts at other schools. School starts after labor day for him.

This weekend on Sunday we are going to serve dinner and do chores at the Ronald McDonald House in Ann Arbor. We have started a tradition with other CDH families from U of Michigan to volunteer there each year. It's great to see the little miracle babies and spend time with the amazing families.

Remember to keep all those CDH kiddos in your prayers. There are many that are on their way, newborn, or have just earned their wings.
I'll post some photos too. Abby went and spent time with her Great Grandma and was sooo happy!


Amy, Steve, Faith, and Abby


Weylin and Tori said...

How exciting! Miss Abby sounds like a doll and I can't wait to meet her! That is great that you are able to be a stay at home mom! Abby is so blessed to have you and Steve for parents! See you Sunday!

Tori Douglas

Anonymous said...


glad to here that Abby is doing good i wish i could make it this yr to the dinner at RMH i just have been busy with alot

Alison & seth

Brandy said...

It looks like you are doing well. Abby is so adorable! I'm glad you get to stay home with her. We will miss you at Oakland but I understand. Please come and visit.

The Creekbaums said...

She is just beautiful!!!! I love keeping up with y'all.

Leigh Creekbaum