Monday, June 22, 2009

38 weeks

We had our 38 week appointment!

1-2 cm and 30% effaced I can't believe there was actually some progress! Pray that we continue to progress. I have been having some false labor. Contractions 10 minutes is the record amount of time of 1hr and half that I actually paid attention to them. Then it just got boring keeping track of them so I am doing other things! :)

We will keep you posted. Our next OB appointment is June 29th.

Take care!


Weylin and Tori said...

Yay! That is fantastic news! You are in our prayers for a delivery sooner than later!!!!

The Douglas'

The Creekbaums said...

Many, many prayers for you and baby girl.

Hang in there...Monday's appt will be here before you know it.
